
FAA Remote Pilot Prep Workshop Options
Hello ADVANCE Cohort!
Step #1: You will need to register for a remote pilot test preparation workshop. There are several options available, but no matter which option you choose (options are below), we recommend that you keep the following in mind:
- Use the FAA Remote Pilot Test Prep Book as your study guide (many of sample questions are the types of questions that you will find on the test, also pay close attention to the “Map Legend” on the 1st page of the appendix (this will also be provided to you on the test). This will be mailed to you.
- You will receive an EXACT DUPLCATE of the Appendix (charts, graphs, etc.) of the FAA Test Prep Book when you arrive at the testing center. Just remember that this Appendix is also used for the Sport Pilot test (planes with actual pilots onboard) and other aviation tests. The take home message is that only about 25% of the graphs and figures pertain to your test (so you do not have to worry about ‘the rest of the figures’). The example test questions in the Test Prep book (and online) will guide you to which graphs/figures in the appendix are important.
- The Navigational Chart section of the test is typically the trickiest. Watch this series of short videos (the series takes about 45 mins) to begin familiarizing yourself with the Navigational Charts prior to attending the workshop. The videos can be accessed from https://www.youtube.com/@VaGeoExtension/playlists (and select the sUAS Training Videos – Mastering the Aeronautical Charts playlist option).
- I would also recommend reading the Introduction and Chapter 1 of the Remote Pilot Test Prep book as well prior to attending your workshop. These sections introduce acronyms, terms, etc. Take the practice tests at the end of the chapter when you are done!
- We will send you info. in January that provides step by step instructions on how to register for your test at an approved testing facility. I will also place these instructions on the ADVANCE GoogleDrive.
- While we want you to do well on the test, you don’t have to be an overachiever and score a 100%. You just have to score 80% or above. Nobody will ever know if you scored an 80% or 100% (there is no judging!).
Here are 2 options for taking your Remote Pilot Prep Workshop-
Option #1: Face-to-Face Virtual (synchronous) via Zoom
This option is provided through Virginia Tech. This is a 2-day workshop that generally starts at 9:00 and wraps up around 3:30ish, with stops along the way for coffee, lunch, and other breaks.
Cost: General registration is $250. USDA ADVANCE Participants / Extension and teacher pricing is $200. Note that ADVANCE Participants will receive reimbursement for their workshop registration (but you need to submit the email receipt!).
Online Registration: Online registration is available from https://vce.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8i8mBENo0d97fPE . After completing the general information form, you will be directed to Virginia Tech’s secure on-line payment system. Due to university stipulations, VT employees and students cannot use a P-card to pay for this workshop. Note that online registration typically closes ~1 month before each workshop date to provide time to mail workshop material.
When*: This is a 2-day workshop. Several workshop options are available, including:
- 18th and 20th of February
- 5th and 7th of March
- 12th and 13th of June
*General agenda: Day #1, 9:00 – 5:00 (Airspace, Weather, General Regulations) | Day #2, 9:00 – 5:00 (Loading & Performance, Operations) with practice questions & discussions along the way. Also, scheduled times for breaks & lunch!
Option #2: Online & Asynchronous
There are some very good asynchronous remote pilot test prep courses available online. ADVANCE Cohort Participants, if you elect to go with an asynchronous option, then you will again need to submit payment for your course out of pocket, and submit your receipt to VT for reimbursement. The workshop spending cap is $250. While I am unable to recommend the best course, I have heard good things about:
- Drone Pilot Ground School — https://www.dronepilotgroundschool.com
- Pilot Institute — https://pilotinstitute.com/course/part-107-remote-pilot
Step #2:
After completing your Remote Pilot Test Preparation, you will need to register for the Remote Pilot Test at an official FAA testing facility. This test will cost ~$175. Again, if you are an ADVANCE Participant, submit your receipt to VT for reimbursement.