Professional Development Opportunity for High School CTE Teachers

What: The program An Experiential and Data-driven Approach to Agricultural Education (ADVANCE) is a face-to-face professional workforce development opportunity that provides educators with the knowledge, experience, curriculum resources, supplies/equipment, and mentoring to support the implementation of drones and precision agriculture concepts in the classroom. This is a hands-on, field-based workshop. After completing the ADVANCE program, participants will be FAA remote pilot certified and will be knowledgeable and experienced in implementing the drone workflow to create maps and other products with drones that are used to support data-driven decision-making. Educators will receive a stipend, a mini-grant, and other resources after meeting baseline expectations.

Target Audience:  High school teachers &  educators teaching agriculture, forestry or related topics, and/or 2-year college faculty teaching agriculture, forestry, natural resources, and related topics.

When (face-to-face workshop at Virginia Tech):  July 13-16, 2025

Topics:  Precision Agriculture / Mapping with Drones / Data-Driven Decisions / Collecting data with sensors / Remote Sensing / Workflows

Registration: Online registration is available from here Note that one component of the registration process is to provide a letter of commitment from an administrator (principal, dean, etc.), which should provide evidence of support from your institution. An example commitment letter is available from here.  This letter can be uploaded during the online application process, or it can be emailed to at a later date (must be received by October 15). Please include the subject “ADVANCE Letter of Commitment-teacher’s last name”.

Expectations and covered costs:

  • Accommodations: Food & lodging at Virginia Tech during the face-to-face workshop are provided
  • Teacher stipend: Participants  will receive a stipend (minimum of $1,200) after meeting baseline expectations which include:
    • Remote pilot certification
    • Webinar/workshop participation
    • School implementation (could include one or several of the following: classroom integration, after-school program or outreach program, pathway integration, student service learning project, new course development, etc.). These expectations will be outlined during the program.
  • Educational supplies: Participants will receive educational resources & supplies to take back to their classroom
  • FAA Remote Pilot Certificate:
    • Participants will receive free registration or will be reimbursed for attending a virtual short course to help prepare you for your FAA Remote Pilot Certificate test ($200)
    • Participants will receive free FAA Remote Pilot test registration ($175 value, reimbursed after completion)
  • Participant mini-grants: Each teacher can receive a $2,200 mini-grant to purchase related educational supplies for the classroom. A menu of mini-grant options will provided, or teachers can make their other appropriate selections based on individual needs. Note that supplies provided by the mini-grant are the property of the school (not of the teacher).
  • Software: is provided for participants to take back to their schools.

Costs that are not covered

  • Participant travel expenses (mileage, etc.) to and from Virginia Tech for the summer workshops are not covered through the ADVANCE project. Institutions (schools, community colleges) are expected to cover the cost of transportation for educators to and from Blacksburg, VA.  The letter of commitment from the educator’s administrator (this letter is required to complete the application process) should include a statement that the institution will cover r/t transportation costs for the participant (see example letter).
  • While teachers will receive a $2,200 mini-grant to purchase related classroom teaching resources. However, as of September 2004, these funds cannot be used to purchase an inexpensive, entry-level mapping drone (per federal regulation). School administrators are therefore encouraged to seek state or local funding (~$2,200) to support the purchase of an entry-level mapping drone if the school does not have access to one already. The ADVANCE program leadership team can provide appropriate purchasing options.

Testimonials from individuals who have attended previous workshops:

The workshop was well-planned and organized. The instructors were engaging, professional, and knowledgeable. I was a bit intimidated going into the workshop. Within a few minutes, the team had me at ease, and I was eager to learn. Each segment was easy to understand and well explained. I appreciated all the takeaways – printed copies of the presentations, flight checklists, etc…All the instructors readily answered questions and offered comprehensive, but not overwhelming, answers.

-High School Educator

This was by far one of the best training programs I have attended in my 30+ years of Extension work. The instructors were extremely well-prepared and knowledgeable.

-VCE Agricultural Extension Educator

This workshop has given me the confidence and knowledge to further my drone skills. All of the instructors were extremely knowledgeable and very patient with our questions. It was a great mix of hands-on in the field and computers in the office to get the full picture of how to plan a drone flight from start to finish. We got to see a variety of ways they use the drone for research and projects which was very enlightening. I would take this class over again it was so much fun.

-High School Educator

This workshop was of tremendous value. The content was all-encompassing and took me as a student from the understanding of bare basics to feeling confident in my ability to take the Part 107 and utilize a drone for mapping purposes…         

 -Local Government Employee

This workshop was exactly what I needed to help me think through the details of operating a drone with Virginia Tech undergraduates to help support urban temperature mapping in Roanoke. I was primarily interested in learning about how to operate safely, how to identify risks and how to mitigate them, and what kind of equipment would be best for my needs. All of these topics were well-covered in this workshop…               

-Higher Education Faculty

Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other basis protected by law.